Monday, April 30, 2007


Well, I've been working on a simple, stylistic creature to begin illustrating my children's books and I think I've come to a conclusion... MIGGLES!!! Yeah, I first thought of having him be a cross between eerie dark and innocent, basically a cross between Jhonen Vasquez and Elaine Bogan in concept. What came out was a furry little alien without a name. we thought 'Charlie' or 'Bucky' would be fitting but the answer came in a dream! (...actually, Amanda's dream) But nevertheless, the evolving project is now under the name Miggles. A work in progress but already winning hearts... the little playa ;p

here's some head shots...

various poses...

and of course... Friends!

Once again, it's a work in progress. But I'm sure we'll have some fun with this guy!


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