Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Me... again.

Okay, I am now, officially, a loser. But a loser with a Phineas & Ferb self-portrait! Creepy? Yes. But I'm sure that anyone who beholds this latest work of art will bow in respect to this master of awesomation. Now, some simple folk may say this "bowing" is more like "gripping a downcast forehead in disappointment"... to which I shall reply,"HA!" and aslo, "That is only true sometimes!" What now, naysayers?!!


Ben said...
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Ben said...

And don't feel bad Dan, it's one of those cool but nerdy things. You know, where people respect you, but still look down on you as a loser. Everything I do falls into this grey category.

No jus-kiddin'. This is so awesome that Zac showed it to our cousins; They thought it was respectfully nerdy too.